Guide for Authors

Author's Guide

Priority Areas for Selecting Journal Articles

- Basic resources (water, soil and soil) and the environment

- Food security and nutrition and self-sufficiency

- The value chain of basic and strategic food products

- Productivity of agriculture and natural resources

- Agricultural development


Acceptance of the article

1. In terms of content

- The article contains research content and preferably includes Persian abstract, introduction (problem design, research background, and purpose), theoretical foundations and method of research, results and discussion and suggestions of English research and abstract.

- Only articles that are innovative in terms of subject, methodology, and results are up-to-date, as well as up-to-date statistics and information.

- The subject of the article should be in the areas of priority for the journal.

- The article is the result of the author's studies, experiences and research.

- When submitting an article, it is necessary to first complete and submit the prerequisite file of the article (which is the commitment not to submit the paper to other journals or conferences) in the format provided. The paper must also be submitted in two formats: In the original format entitled "File by Name", full details of the article including title, date of writing or research, name, surname and other scientific characteristics of the author and other authors; And in the second format titled "File Without Name", there is no mention of the authors.

- The title of the article should reflect the content of the article and be as concise as possible.


2. In terms of appearance

- The article should be typed on A4 paper at a maximum of 15 to 20 pages with Bzar font, font 13, and 2007 Word software. Allow at least 1cm for the paper border and the distance between the rows.

- The article should include Persian, English (up to 150 words), JEl classification, and a few subject keywords. Note that the JEl classification must be inserted before the keywords.

- Manage article references using endnote in APA format.


All Persian references in the article must be written in English as a result of the journal being indexed on internationally recognized websites; The following are some common types of sources.

A) Book:

First and last name of first author, last name and last name of other authors must be there. Year of publication. Book title, Translator's name (if translated), place of publication and publisher's name should be mentioned.

  • Omidbaigi, R. (1995). Approaches to production and processing of medicinal plants. Tehran: Fekr-e Rooz Publications. (Persian)
  • Sharma, S. (1996). Applied multivariate techniques. New York. Willey and Son.


B) Journal:

First and last name of first author, last name and last name of other authors must be inserted. Year of publication, Title, Translator's name (if translated), journal name (in bent), volume / year, number and range of pages should be mentioned.

  • Amjadi, A., Hosseini Yekani, S.A. and Ahmadi Kaliji, S. (2017). The role of agricultural commodity exchange on hedging (case study: selected agricultural product). Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 2(98): 1-17. (Persian)  
  • Singh, V.K., Gupta, D. and Singh, H. (1992). Input use efficiency in wheat crop in Haryana. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 47: 125-134.


C) Thesis:

Surname and abbreviation of author in addition to the Year of publication must be inserted. Thesis title, Degree and field of study, name of college and university should be there.

  • Assadollahi, F. (2000). Policies and strategies of agriculture development in Iran. Master Thesis of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran. (Persian)  
  • Facchini, G. (2009). Water scarcity and water policy in Mexico. Master Thesis for the Master of Philosophy in Economics Degree, Department of Economics. University of Oslo.


D) Websites:

First and last name of first author, last name and last name of other authors and also the Year of publication, Subject (Report) must be mentioned. Journal name (in bent letters), Volume / Year, Number and range of pages should be there. The website in which it is available at must be mentioned (mention website name) (date of download).


- Articles containing photos, charts, and tables should be sent in the following ways:

(A) Graphs should be made as possible by computer graphics.

B) Choose the most suitable place for inserting pictures, charts and tables.

C) Reference to all tables.

  - Full authors' mailing address, phone number, copy number, and e-mail. Also mentioning the scientific rank (including instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor) is mandatory for all authors of the article plus the author responsible on the front page.


3. Payment of arbitration and printing fees

   Authors are required, in the first stage, after the initial acceptance of the paper, to send the paper to the arbitrators, and in the second stage, after final approval and acceptance of the paper, to the Central Bank, Account No. 260100004001042503014493 IR, Name of research institute deposit or remittance (deposit only by branch) and original receipt or send remittance by custom mail to quarterly address. Paying this fee will not be in the sense of accepting the paper. It should be noted that the above amounts only cover part of the cost of printing articles.

Note 1: If the article is rejected at any stage of the arbitration process, the above amounts will not be refundable in any way.

Note 2: Writers' articles that have not paid 500 thousand Rials and have not been registered on the site will be removed from the agenda.

Note 3: Articles have not been previously published in other journals or have been sent for publication in other journals.

NOTE 4: The paper will not be approved for publication unless the article has been scientifically and editorially approved and is in the final stages of publication.