Designing incentive packages for the operationalization of crop cultivation pattern of Khorasan Razavi province using the Delphi method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of agricultural economic, Ferdowsi university

2 Department of remote Sensing and GIS Research. Faculty of Earth Sciences. Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran. Iran

3 ferdowsi university

4 Tehran .



Designing incentive packages for the implementation of the cultivation model by farmers is one of the policies of the agricultural sector, which plays an important role in providing food security.This study is conducted in Khorasan-Razavi province as one of the hubs of producing agricultural products.
Materials and Methods
To identify the required incentives and to design incentive packages, the Delphi method and the opinions of farmers and agricultural experts have been used in three stages. In order to carry out this research, the expert opinion of 34 specialists and experts in the field of agriculture and 158 agricultural users of this province has been used to design incentive packages.
Results and Discussion
According to the obtained results, three incentive packages "Pricing Policy for Basic Agricultural Products and Guaranteed Purchase", "Management-Infrastructure" and "Subsidy" were designed and provided to farmers, which were chosen by 41.1, 32.9 and 26% of farmers respectively.
Therefore, it can be concluded that farmers are risk-averse and the government can take a big step in operationalizing the crop pattern by farmers with the policy of guaranteed purchase in proportion to the market balance for the stability and increase of farmers' income, as well as creating balance in production and attention to the required infrastructure.
