Macroeconomic Determinant of Food Inflation in Iran: TVP-VAR Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student, Department of Economics, Abarkouh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abarkouh, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of macroeconomic ‎variables on food inflation in Iran. To accomplish this goal, seasonal data ‎from 1380 to 1399 and the Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression ‎‎(TVP-VAR) model with variable coefficients over time were utilized. The ‎TVP-VAR model estimates show that the effect of macroeconomic ‎variables on food inflation changes over time. According to these findings, ‎economic growth rate has a negative impact on food inflation, which rises ‎over time. Food inflation, on the other hand, has responded positively to a ‎standard deviation shock in the growth rate of the money supply and ‎interest rates, and this effect has been long-lasting. The findings also ‎suggest that as the exchange rate rises, so does food inflation, which ‎becomes more severe over time. Increased investment has also reduced ‎food inflation and the negative impact has become greater over time. The ‎crucial finding is that an increase in food inflation at a given point in time ‎has a sustained, amplifying effect on food inflation in subsequent periods. ‎Therefore, it is recommended that improvements be made to the ‎infrastructure for food product production, including technological ‎infrastructure in the agricultural sector, as well as storage and processing ‎industries, in order to prevent increases in food inflation and its dynamic, ‎persistent effects on food security and public health.‎

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