The Survey of Investment Growth Trend in the Firms of Receiving Early Return Credits in Agricultural Sector


Ms Student of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Statistics in many industrialized countries show that about 33 percent of small units in the first year, more than 50 percent in the second years and almost "67 percent of units at the end of the fifth years of start of the activities have been forced to halt activities. The financial constraints and liquidity shortage have expressed most important cause failure and stopping these firms. According to this approach, this study will examine the effect early return credits on reducing the financial constraints and small firm's growing investment in the short and long run. For examining these subject, early return enterprises, exploited in beekeepers and dairy industry sectors in the city of Babol in 2007, were selected and compared (using matching methods and accelerator investment model) with another group of firms that have not used the credits of the early return firms.
