Investigation of Factor Contributing on Spatial Imbalance of Agricultural Development in Fars Province

Document Type : Original Article


   The main objective of this research is study and analysis of investigation of factor contributing on uneven spatial agricultural development. By identifying appropriate indices in order to explain spatial disparities of agricultural development, by assessing causative factors of spatial disparities, effects of identified factors on different level of spatial agricultural development are investigated. Method was based on analyzing set of indices in order to explain factors contributing on spatial agricultural development disparities by exploiting factor analysis model according to principal components analysis. Then to indentify importance of discriminated factors for two groups; developed counties and low developed counties which separated by K mean cluster analysis, method of discriminate analysis was used.   The result of factor analysis showed six factors affecting on spatial disparities of agricultural development named; nonagricultural sectors development effect, effect of accessing on supplementary facilities for agricultural development, technological effect, effect of agricultural educational/extension/cooperative services, effect of agricultural natural-physical condition and effect of knowledge and information that explain 84.24% of total variance. Result of discriminate analysis showed that two factors named “effect of accessing on supplementary facilities for agricultural development” and "nonagricultural sectors development effect" have more importance to discriminate developed and underdeveloped counties.     JEL Classification: O18