Analysis of Agricultural Protection Policies Effects on Food Security of Rural Household in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


One decision taken by the government in securing the food of the society is agricultural protection policy. This paper investigates the effects of agricultural protection policies, including price and input policies, on food security of rural household. By using AHFSI (Aggregate Household Food Security Index), the food security of these families was determined during the period of 1983-2006. Support quantity in agricultural sector was calculated with the use of AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support). The effects of these policies on food security of rural household were also investigated by vector autoregressive method. Our finding indicate that negative price support of farmers have been formed in most years, but in spite of input supports, protection resultant of agricultural sector has been positive. In short-run total price and input supports of agricultural sector in food security of rural household have had positive effects, but not in long-run. Reducing budget for input supports and allocating it to secure the necessary solvency for guaranteed purchase in essential conditions and variation support tools can help well-being agricultural protection policies and food security of rural household.

JEL Classification: R, B22, Q18