Assessment of Factors Affecting Pistachio Export Share in the World Markets with Emphasis on Internal Production Fluctuations



Pistachio is the most important export items that could plays an important role to improve the country's foreign exchange income. Given the importance of agricultural exports and the export share of the global market of pistachios, identifying factors influencing the share of exports in world markets is essential. Therefore, factors affecting export share were estimated using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag Model. The results showed that the ratio of domestic prices to world prices of pistachio and real exchange rate have a significant positive effect on pistachio's export share. Also, Iranian pistachio production fluctuations, drought dummy variable and America's export share have a negative and significant effect on export share of Iran's pistachios. The result of error correction model estimation showed that in each period, more than 75% of imbalance in export share of Iran's pistachio is adjusted. According to the results it is necessary that by development of a knowledge-based agriculture and expanding agriculture education, as well as the development of new technologies and suitable management production units as much as possible to prevent fluctuations of production in future.

JEL Classification: Q17, F42, F14

Global Markets, Export Share, ARDL, Pistachio, Iran